Just a girl rambling around the globe and writing about it.

Musings from around the block and farther.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Quality Time, Barcelona Edition

In the constant rush of daily life, especially during the past month or so as we raced to finish up school projects and pack for this trip, I sometimes feel a longing for an intangible something else from my relationship with my kids and Raf. Like I'm missing something, some piece of the larger puzzle of life. 

Quality time.

I say this because we spend a lot of time together as a family. We're super lucky; Raf and I work at home and take the kids to and from school. We're all home for dinner and homework. We go a lot of places together. But when we're rushed or there are too many things to do, that "missing" feeling creeps up on me and I long for quality time.

There is nothing quite like living in a small space in a foreign city to bind a family together. I'm not saying I don't hear But Mom! She's *touching* me! Make her stop!! forty times a day. And I'm not saying I don't escape to the balcony a few times a day to get some "peace and quiet" from the traffic below (which is more soothing to me than the laugh track on "Friends," which is one of our only DVDs that works on the Euro DVD player). But it's been so good to reconnect like this, with hours upon hours and days upon days to just be together, wrestling and arguing and laughing and eating together. 

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